Product Care - Don’t Care?!

Product Care - Don’t Care?!

The 5 golden rules!

1. First test your mucus with one finger to make sure it is not too sticky for you.

2. Provide the slime activator. 

3. Wash your hands before touching the mucus, otherwise the slime leaves residues on your skin.

4. Always put your mucus cold, so it lasts longer and becomes firmer. 

5. Hab fun!


I am Prof. Dr. Dr. Tanja from Orrec. I want to tell you something: Here in your colorful package there is at least one of my masterful creations. I am pleased that you have chosen a Slimeslime product. Before you start a few tips:

Phew, today it was pretty hot - I longed for ice cream. In my laboratory it was definitely 45 degrees. I almost slipped from my sweaty fingers. By the way, your slime was similar.

At warmth it becomes a bit sticky because he doesn't like warmth at all. If you want to help him, put him in the fridge for a while. Bring nothing, use a little of the Super Activator. 

When I unpacked my favorite lime after the skiing holiday, last winter and wanted to stretch it relaxed in the evening, I actually looked pretty stupid. And I am Prof. Dr. Dr., I hardly ever look stupid. To my astonishment, the slime was not as good as I was used to. I developed it, I have to know what I'm talking about. But it is so:

When it is cold, your slime freezes as well as you and then it makes himself very, very small, making it a bit firmer. It is best to warm it up a little: for that you can simply put it on the heating or in the sun.

How you use the Super Activator: I am a professional, for me everything always works only drops. Once the Activator has overturned when I tried to catch my jam bread (yes, I know: food is prohibited in the laboratory). In any case, the whole Activator bottle is tipped into the slime and the bread was of course with the coated side on the floor you can think of it: both were gone.

Please be more careful than me with your Activator. You can distribute a few drops in your hands, so they are wetted and the liquids are evenly distributed in your slime or you give a few drops directly into the slime glass and mix it that way. You just repeat this process until you are satisfied with the consistency.

If your slime has been with you for a while and you want to get it out of your glass after several weeks, it may be that he has reactivated. This is a chemical reaction, so normal, don't worry. Even then you can use the Super Activator.

If you still have difficulties with your slime - sometimes you get a real diva, I tell you that - then please contact me. 


I had already told you a lot about slime. So that you always have a lot of fun with your OHKEN, I also give up a little mustard here: your ohket offers you a lot of space for creativity, whether you tinker with her, shape figures or just press, pull and sniff it. It is important, however, that you do not meet the plasticine, even if it smells so well.

Every now and then I'm a bit forgetful despite my ingenuity. After kneading a dino and dinol landscape with my OHKNE, I completely forgot to stow my ohket back into your container. After an extensive lunch and chocolate pudding as a dessert, the green grass and the small T-Rex arms were already very hard in the air.

So to have fun with your plasticine for a long time, you should always stow them back in their airtight containers after playing. So you prevent your plasticine dry out. (The T-Rex is still in my laboratory and watches the action.)

Uh, and one more thing: I recently had to dispose of an entire crucible oh minet because dozens of dog hair were in it. I had paid attention to my girlfriend's Chihuahua and after playing with him to forget my hands. I say yes, I'm forgetful.

Please wash your hands ahead and after playing with your plasticine. If your hands are still moist before playing, it can happen that your plasticine hand in a little bit of your food coloring and discolor your hands or documents. This is not too bad, but to prevent this, dry your hands well after washing.

You know I love nature, so my OH minet consists exclusively of natural ingredients. So you could easily dispose of them in organic waste. The exception here is the glitter edition, because this plasticine is unfortunately not completely biodegradable due to the incorporated glitter particles.

In The OHKNE is contained salt, not as much as in a salt dough, but in considerable quantities. So do not scare, should have something to do after a while. You can then just knead your plasticine vigorously and continue to use it.

You don't like your plasticine at all? Then let us know and we take care of your concern immediately.

Calming Bottle

Ich dear magic. Have I ever told that? Everything that makes me is my curiosity towards unknown people and my joy to create things. Created things - and then with magic is the greatest thing! Honestly now, who doesn't like that?

I would like to bring a little touch of magic to you with our Calming Bottles. With a little magic fluid and things that you prefer to have like glitter, stars, pearls or unicorns, absolutely nothing stands in the way of magic. Everything moves evenly and magically through the belly of your Calming Bottle and can enchant you a little bit.

The different sensory bottles conjure up relaxation and a smile on your face and no worry - if your calming bottle slides out of your hand out of sheer relaxation, nothing will happen. Your plastic container is stable and the lid is glued with unicorn spit. And unicorn spit is a damn sticky stuff once it has dried. Nothing wobbles and stirs - promised! 

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