Adventskalender: Türchen 13 - Die Christbaumkugel

Advent calendar: door 13 - the Christmas tree ball

Advent calendar: door 13 - the Christmas tree ball

Door 13 - the Christmas tree ball

You need:

Your red Oh
Your blue Oh
Your yellow ohknet
Your black oh chicken

That's how it's done:

Take your red knead and roll it into a ball, then you just press it flat on a flat surface - so you have a round ball directly. You can decorate this according to your mood. First we rolled the blue plasticine on strands and laid it up in parallel in snake shape on the upper part of the ball. Then we rolled many small balls out of the yellow tub and distributed them on the rest of the ball. Finally, you can take your black plasticine and roll a long strand as a band and put on top. As an icing on the cake, you roll a little black kneading to a strand and put it together into two loops. You put them on your ball on the ball and on your black ribbon. So it looks like a small loop.

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