Fan: Fatima fan: Fatima fan: Fatima

I've been looking at all the slime videos on Instagram since 2018 or earlier. I always tried to produce slime myself, but unfortunately it never worked.

At that time I didn't find a shop that makes something like that, but today it is different. That was my first slime order now and I am super satisfied, so I imagined it all. The slime was for me and next I would Bonohbon Or like to try Moooonster.

I ordered slime because it generally calms me down very much and I can reduce the stress of playing. I have an illness called trichotillomania, which means I like to take off my hair (eyelashes, eyebrows ..). And to prevent this, I thought it may fit me to distract me with slime and I have to honestly say .. It will be better! Thank you for this great slime and I'm looking forward to my next order! Your work is great and keep it up! :)

How was the slime for you?
Yes, he was for me! :)

Did you buy slime online before?
One, that was my first time and I'm super satisfied!

What is your favorite consistency? 
Butter slime, absolute favorite .. The consistency is just perfect and it makes the perfect ASMR noises. 

Which slime would you like as the next of us?
Next I would Bonohbon! Or like to try Moooonster.


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