Adventskalender: Türchen 9 - Der Weihnachtskranz

Advent calendar: door 9 - the Christmas wreath

Advent calendar: door 9 - the Christmas wreath

Door 9 - the Christmas wreath

You need:

your Green Ohknet
your Red Ohknet
your yellow ohketen

That's how it's done:

Take your Greens Knead and knead them properly. Roll up a thicker "sausage" between your hands and drap your plasticine into a wreath. Now it's your red plasticine on it. You also roll these between your hands to a - this time - very thin "sausage" and put them in individual small parts or wrap them all around your wreath, here you can also use the place where you have connected the green plasticine very well conceal. With your yellow plasticine you can set small accents by decorating your Christmas wreath with it. For example with small balls, stars or just a few "light points".

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